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CDF Research Awards Management System

Welcome to the Celiac Disease Foundation's Research Awards application portal. Please click the links below to start a new research award application, nominate a researcher for a research prize, or review award and prize guidelines.

For questions, email icureceliac@celiac.org or call Marissa Mahoney at 844.593.8169, x110.


2024 Research Awards and Prizes

CDF-SSCD Improving Health Equity in Celiac Disease Through Disparities Research Award

This award supports research initiatives aimed at understanding cultural, socioeconomic, and systemic factors that impact celiac disease awareness, diagnosis, management - including adherence to a gluten-free diet - and increasing representation of underserved populations in clinical trials. Individual projects requesting up to $100,000 USD over a maximum of two years will be considered. Open to SSCD members only.

Application Deadline: August 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PDT

Apply Now or View the Application Guidelines

CDF-Jocelyn Silvester Rising Villus Student Research Award 

This research award provides a $5,000 USD stipend to support a 10-week mentored research experience in celiac disease for medical and graduate students and medical residents at any time throughout the year. 

Application Period: Ongoing

Apply Now or View the Application Guidelines